Tuesday 9 April 2013

Shark Tank Episode 410 Update

Next Shark Tank Show

Episode 410 Rerun - April 12, 2013
Valuable Lessons Learned!

seen on shark Tank season 4, episode 410
Michael Tseng Blows Huge Deal on the
Shark Tank Show #410
 The bad news is we have another rerun for this Friday Nights Shark Tank Show. The good news is, It's One Of The Most Memorable Episode's EVER! If I had to pick (I like all of them) just a few episodes of the Shark Tank that really stand out, episode 410 is clearly near the top. This is a "Must Watch" if you have any ideas of going on the show and one worth watching multiple times for that matter. There is an entire semester's worth of learning in just this one episode alone.

No Fly Cone

 This Shark Tank Show starts out with Bruce Gaither and the really cool new No Fly Cone - Fly Trap. I still like this fly trap idea but needs to be marketed in a Different way. Flies might like poop, but people usually do not. Unfortunately the No Fly Cone will also always be remembered as having the worst celebrity spokesperson ever (in my opinion) when Seth MacFarlane did a horrible job helping out his so called friend.Read More Here-->>>

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