Monday 11 March 2013

The Spatty Daddy

The Spatty on Shark Tank Show

The Spatty Daddy - Season 4 - Episode 405 - Update
Seen on the Shark Tank Show
Cheryl Rigdon demonstrating the Spatty
on the Shark Tank Show

 Cheryl Rigdon is the inventor of the Spatty, one of the simplest yet most useful products ever seen on the Shark Tank Show. The inspiration to develop the Spatty actually came inside of a make-up jar when she realized how much she was wasting by not getting it all to come out. A problem each and every one of us has had dealing with a number of different containers. The Spatty and The Spatty Daddy can actually pay for themselves in no time.

Spaddy and Spaddy Daddy ComboCheryl came into the Shark Tank with a great idea but she lacked the needed contacts to bring her invention to the world. She was only asking for $50,000.00 and was willing to give up 40% of the new business to have a partnership with one or more of the Sharks. Rigdon gives a good presentation on the many products that most people throw away because it is nearly impossible to get it all out of the containers. She then whips out this little 3" long Spatty and the larger Spatty Daddy used for larger containers.

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