Monday 11 March 2013

Marz Sprays

Marz Spray on Shark Tank

Oral Vitamin Spray - Season 4 - Episode 405 - Update
Inventors of the Marz Vitamin C Sprays
Father/Son Team Keith and Brandon Marz
on the Shark Tank Show

 If you don't like swallowing pills then the Marz Spray'smay be just what your looking for. Brandon and Keith Marz, the Father/Son business partners came into the Shark Tank with a host of oral spray products for vitamins, sleeping, energy boost and even one that helps in weight loss. I must say just the convenience of a few sprays of vitamin's conveniently placed at the sink for instance, sounds a whole lot easier (and faster) then opening up a traditional vitamin jar. I clearly would use it more often which could only be a good thing.

 Keith and Brandon came into the Shark Tank looking for a $200,000.00 investment in the vitamin spray business. They were willing to give up 10% of the equity valuing the company at $2 million at the start of negotiations. Brandon starts out stating that over 100 million people in the United States alone have trouble swallowing vitamins and pills.
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