Friday 22 February 2013

Shark Tank Legos

Shark Tank Introduction with Lego's

 I just ran across this video that two Brothers Brandon and Sydney Hawke,  ages 9 and 11, made about the Shark Tank introduction for Season 4. If this is already their favorite show then I can only imagine what these aspiring entrepreneurs will accomplish in the near future. Super cool video made by some young Shark Tank Fans that I'm sure they put a lot of thought into making.

Check it Out and help Us Get This Shark Tank Video to go Viral!

 It looks like they just put it on the Internet yesterday and it's already up to 250 views. Not bad for the first day but something tells me that the Shark Tank Effect is going to make this video and the Hawke's Brother's
Very Famous in the near future.

Great Job Guys!

In response to a comment made earlier. The video gets credit for a view whether it's watched here or any other site that is using their YouTube link. You can watch it on You Tube Here if you'd prefer that instead.

BTY - this is being edited 2 days later and they are already past 3200 views and counting.

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