Thursday 28 February 2013

Pebble Smart Watch

Pebble Watch on Kick Starter

Smart Watch - Most Successful Kickstarter Campaign in History

Blue Tooth enabled Smart Watch
Pebble Watch makes Kickstarter History
Over $10 million in 30 days!
 Pebble Smart Watch for iPhone and Android is a blue tooth enabled smart watch that communicates with IPhone and Android smart phones. Furthermore you can customize your watch using apps for an unlimited number of download able watch faces. When you connect your smart phone with the smart watch it will alert you to incoming calls, emails and important messages. You can even scan and play your music list from the convenience of your watch. This is not the Dick Tracey watch to compete with the smart phones but more of an accessory that will have you using your IPhone and Android devises in ways you never imagined. 

 This smart pebble watch has just set an amazing Kickstarter record that may not be broken any time in the near future. What started out as an already ambitious goal of raising $100,000.00 to kick start the Pebble Watch in a little over a Month, turns out to be less then 1% of the over-all total. The Pebble Watch raised over $10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Dollars) from over 68,000 customers by the time the campaign ended. WOW can you imagine watching that ticker blow right on by your original goal.
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