Saturday 26 January 2013

Xero Shoes Update

Xero Shoes on the Shark Tank

Xero Barefoot  Running Shoes Season 4 - Episode 413 - 2-1-2013
ReRun May 31, 2013

Invisible running shoes/sandals on the Shark Tank Show
Steven Sashen and Lena Phoenix
Barefoot Xero Shoe Entrepreneur's
 So how do you get more of a workout while out running? You wear a pair of invisible Xero shoe's without all that cushion making it easier on you. Steven Sashen and Lena Phoenix from Boulder, Colorado are about to make this unique line of shoes very popular. The Invisible Barefoot Shoes, also now known as Xero Shoe's, is coming to the Shark Tank Show. These rather unique invisible running shoes are also known as Huarache's. Actually it's not a shoe at all, but a sandal would better describe the Huarache.

What makes the invisible Xero Shoe's Unique as a running shoe is the added benefit's while running practically barefoot. There has
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