Wednesday 9 January 2013

Coffee Joulies

Coffee Joulies on Shark Tank Show

Coffee Warming Beans - Season 4 - Episode 414

Two Daves on Shark Tank Show
Dave Petrillo and Dave Jackson
Inventors of the Coffee Joulies
 Coffee Joulies are jewels you add to your coffee. This is an invention, that I must say, I really like. If you have ever tried to drink coffee when it was either too hot to drink or already cold enough you are constantly needing a refill, you may also be interested in the Coffee Joulies. Getting your coffee to the exact temperature that you prefer has always been a constant problem, until now.

 The Coffee Joulies are actually replicated to look like a coffee bean that is made out of stainless steel. By adding a few coffee joulies into your hot beverage, it starts a chain reaction that is determined by how hot the temperature is. When you first pour a cup of coffee that is above 140 degrees and hot enough to burn your mouth, the Coffee Joulies (magic coffee beans) go to work and bring down the temperature to the optimal level. These beans then store the extra heat generated and will begin releasing the heat back into the coffee's temperature giving you a perfect cup of coffee over an extended period of time.

Seen on Shark Tank Show
The Perfect Coffee Bean!
Order Set of 5 Coffee Joulies with Free Shipping

What is so magical about these metal beans is whats inside the stainless steel shell.
Read More Here-->>>

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